Worawut profile

My name is Worawut Tititumjariya. I‘m graduated from computer science major, Kasetsart University.I am Web Developer with 3+ years of hands-on experience in developing website with reactjs, nextjs and css framwork such as bootstrap, style-component and tailwindcss.

Hi, I'm Web Developer

Work Experience

Frontend Software Engineer (Web Application)
Fictionlog.co | Apl 2019 - now
  • created an application features for books and ebooks Fictionlog's platform
  • used stack and technologies by NextJS, TypeScript, React, React Hook, GraphQL, Tailwindcss, Scss, Styled component, Vercel, Github
  • created documents source code such as storybook
  • utilized Aglie methodolgy and click up as a tools for manage work tasking
  • used Github and versel as a platform to conduct source code versioning, CI/CD, code review
Frontend Software Engineer (Web Application)
Venuee.co | Apl 2018 to Apl 2019
  • created an application features for event places in Venuee's platform
  • used stack and technologies by NextJS, TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Styled component, Scss, Github, Jest, Docker
  • unit test, E2E test
  • utilized Aglie methodolgy and asana as a tools for manage work tasking
  • used Github as a platform to conduct source code versioning, CI/CD, code review
Cooperative Education (Internship)
NodeFrame Solution | Aug 2017 to Dec 2017
  • created an application features for HR platform
  • used stack and technologies by React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Styled component, Github, Jest, Docker, Jira, Scss, MongoDB, Express, NodeJS, ReactJS, MERN stack
Skills & Interests
Typescript, Javascript
Technologies: Git, React, React Hook, Vercel, NextJS, GraphQL, Storybook, TailwindCss, Bootstrap, Styled-Component, Jest, Docker, Jira, Scss, MongoDB, Express, NodeJS, MERN stack


Kasetsart University
Bachelor of Computer Science
G.P.A 3.27/4.00 (Second Class Honours)


tel: 080-434-7241

e-mail: woravootbat@gmail.com

github: worawutbat